I try my best to make sure that my babies know and love the Lord. We go to church together. We watch children movies that explain Jesus' life and death. We read their Bibles together. Reign reads their Bibles to them. I make an honest attempt to answer any and all questions they have about God and Jesus. I try to make sure they are very aware of their actions and how Jesus wouldn't do certain things so they shouldn't. I don't know maybe I reference God and Jesus too often to them because they've gotten a great amount of love and admiration for them both. So much to the point that they discuss them amongst themselves. One day Reiganna said "Mommy I miss God and Jesus and I love God and Barack Obama and Jesus and all the guys up in Heaven. My grandma too.". She brings me such joy. Sometimes her thoughts amaze me since she's just 3. Another day she asked Reigan "How come Jesus died?" Reigan said "Because bad people put him on the cross. But He's coming back down." Reiganna says "Yeah bad people right? Jesus is coming back yay!" Then they turned their joy into a song "Jesus and God are watching us forever! So I know that everything will be okay." They titled the song Jesus and God Love Us. Am I going too hard with my teachings or is this normal behavior? Either way I pray that they all continue to embrace what they've learned and live a good life built upon morals and the utmost respect for themselves and others.
Matt 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen...